No, you do not. In 99% of the cases you want to loose body fat. Admit it. And that is important, because the beginning of the process and how you perceive the goal is going to direct all your searches, actions and efforts towards that.
And when you set yourself the wrong goal, you will search and collect and use the wrong tools.
But most important, loosing body fat is never a goal. It is a process.
And that is the key to your success. Let me give you an example: In business, when you have a target to achieve, you plan all your timeline and efforts towards that target. You gather resources, plan actions, search for bottlenecks, have a contingency sometimes, prepare for expected obstacles and recruit/plan for other team members if needed. Then you work begins and it is all towards that goal, that achievable target. When it is done, you move on the next one.
This is not the case with taking care of yourself. It is not a goal, it is a process. Lifetime game you play. Starting today.
And when you change perspective from goal to a process, everything starts to fall into places. Instead of reading articles like ”How to loose 10 kg in a month” you look for simple ways to increase your daily step-count in a sustainable and fun way. Instead of buying a ton of useless supplements, you increase calories burned by regularly going to the gym and doing routines that are fun and sustainable. Instead of starving yourself to death by surviving on a leaf of salad, you build a habit of sustainable nutrition intake that matches your path and gives you the energy you need.
Simple. And fun.
When your perspective is the process, you also become more flexible and adaptive to changes, more resilient to obstacles and more aware of what can go wrong and how to fix it if it does. In a process, the most important variable is the time. One and a same goal could be achieved for longer or for shorter periods and you plan it according to everything else that happens in your life (work, friends, family, house, vacation, party, whatever).
Strangely, but that means you put yourself first, you start to anticipate and plan ahead. And that is the best part of it, the beauty of it – achieving a relative comfort and long-term balance between all the people and duties in your life.
Long-term is the key word here, because you can never have it on a daily basis. And you do not have to. You can be 80% work, 10% partner and 10% you today, but tomorrow you will be 60% work, 20% friends and 20% you. And if you look back at the month, you will see that from the distance of time you were equally colleague (work), friend, sibling, partner, you.
Let me re-define your goal for you. It is not ”I want to loose weight”. It is ”I want to achieve and maintain healthy weight that will give me the power to be with the people in my life and the energy to work/play/shag/whatever with them”
And when you do that, lets say you achieve your target weight, you will come to a realization that it is not a set number, but rather a corridor of 4 to 8 kg (8 to 17 lb) you can comfortably navigate trough and still look awesome.
Let me show you what I mean, I am using three pictures of me, taken in 18 months period. On the left I am 69.5 kg (153 lb), in the middle I am 75.6 kg (166 lb) and on the right-hand side I am 71.5 kg (157 lb). I did the calculations for you, I am moving in a corridor of 6 kg and still look awesome in all cases.

And you know what I told my then mentor (now friend and fellow) when I started? ”By the age of 50 I want to be on the cover of Men’s Health Magazine”. I was barely 48 by that time, but I set myself a long-term goal that we turned into a process with no end result, but with countless victories and achievements along the way. When I was 35, I was 80 kg (176 lb) and I was fat. When I was 19 years old I was 100 kg (220 lb) and I was extremely fat.

Now I am not even remotely afraid of becoming 80 kg again. But this time it will be a different body composition and I know it will take me at least a year to go there and I will do it in a fun, steady and sustainable manner and still look awesome along the way.
So now you know how the wrong definition of a goal will lead you to the wrong end. Thank you for spending these 4 minutes reading my article.
I know you want me to navigate you on your path and be your mentor in this process. I am happy to do that, I have all the knowledge, all the skills and all the patience in the world. We can work together. Check how I am doing it and jump in.