Since you reached that page of my website, chances are that you have tried some diets or trainings in the past. You started with a lot of enthusiasm, had plenty of motivation and was eager to change your entire life, the fitness being the new centre of it. Time passed, you decided that all that hustle is not for you and now your then bought gym clothes does not even fit and if not donated, lie in the deepest and darkest corner of your wardrobe.
With a high degree of probability you also tried at least one new fancy diet that was glorifying some foods and demonised others. You may also bought some kitchen gadgets, recommended by the next-in-line online celebrity and now they just clutter your pantry.
I can bet my experience that at least once during a diet you cheated, had a bounty of food and drinks and then just said ”I cannot do it, it is too hard, I will never be perfect” and then quit.
Correct me if I am wrong, but you have also went for fasting, carnivore, paleo, keto or whatever it is trendy now. If you did and the difference with your eating habits was way too vast, you quit since it is not your thing. Truth is all of these diets do not work, not for all, human bodies are not a mathematical equation. There is no one single universal solution that will fit us all and will make us look like supermodels. And in the same time, all of these diets work, as long as they are sustainable for the person that applies them.
The good news is that there is a way out, the darkness is never that deep as we think it is. And in my experience with myself and my clients, I know that the solution is in small, but incremental changes over extended period of time. Because, lets face it, if you are well-rounded man, you did not gain that weight since last summer, there is no way we can shed it away in 1 month.
The solution is in taking what you are at this moment and working with what we have. That means no radical changes. That means taking into account all aspects of life and finding the space and time to build new habits. That means assessments and frank, open communication between us, that means trust. Trust in the process also, because we may see some quick results on Month 1, but we will celebrate every kilogram down, every new centimetre on the chest or the biceps and every centimetre down on the waist and the hips.